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Daintree Love. A place to come when you need nourishment for your soul.

How to do your own Self Retreat

Our personal self care, is so important to our health, wellbeing and our ability to give love or be the best versions of ourselves for those around us and who we love and care about.

As women, it's easy to keep putting everyone else's needs first and put ourselves last on our list. Which can leave us feeling depleated, empty, drained, cranky and if not addressed soon enough, we can end up getting either sick, injured or just darn resentful.

Is this YOU? Perhaps YOU would like to do your own Self Retreat!

Here are some tips on how to do a Self Retreat for YOU.

Make it a priority and set an amount of time that feels right for you and what you can manage. It may be a few hours while the kids are at school or it may be 1, 2, 5, 7 or 10+ days. Remember you are worth it and itʼs very important to make time to pour love and energy into you.

Set your dates and let people know youʼll be unavailable via phone, email or in person. Give it the same priority as if you were spending big $$ and going away on a retreat where you would be unreachable except for emergencies. You may decide that you will check your messages on a certain day or every day at a certain time. If so, let people know by setting up a message with this information on your voicemail or email auto-responder and by letting your regular contacts know in advance.

Set your Intention of why you are doing a retreat (for example; Mental relaxation, Spiritual growth, Vision building Emotional healing, Physical wellbeing, Personal development, Cleansing, Resting and relaxation). By defining your intention you will be closer to reaching your desired outcome.

Set up your space by doing a physical and energetic clean to prepare yourself for this special time for you. Pack away anything you can that you donʼt need and is cluttering up your space. I recommend you turn off, unplug and even cover up or pack away the TV, phone and computer.

Get yourself ready and prepped as much as you can (for example do all your shopping for groceries etc before you start) so that you wonʼt need to go to supermarkets or make any other unnecessary trips out to places that are busy and that would interrupt your self retreat time.

Now Begin and Enjoy Your YOU and Self Retreat!

I also recommended during your Self Retreat time to reduce or avoid caffeine, sugar, wheat, dairy and alcohol (if it won't cause you stress!) and TO drink plenty of water, drink fresh fruit and veggie juices and eat wholesome whole foods.

Some things you could do during your Self Retreat....

  • Smudge yourself with sage or burn incense...

  • Walk barefoot on the grass...

  • Draw some oracle guidance cards....

  • Stop and smell the flowers...

  • Go on a bush walk...

  • Hug a tree...

  • Listen to the birds sing...

  • Sit on a big beautiful rock...

  • Dip your feet into the ocean...

  • Lay your body on the earth, soak up the sunshine and breathe...

  • Have a long hot soak in a bath with essential oils and epson salts

  • Light some candles...

  • Write a poem...

  • Journal...

  • Dance...

  • Have a massage or give yourself one...

  • Read a novel...

  • Have NO plan and just BE....

  • Receive a massage or energy treatment...

  • Find somewhere beautiful to explore where you can’t see or hear anything man-made and where you can just be in amongst nature!

And just ANYTHING that makes you feel relaxed, renewed, Fabulous and tops up YOUR tank of energy and life force!

It's amazing the difference a few hours, a day or a couple of weeks can make to you feeling rejuvenated, inspired, topped up and shiny again.

Here is a few of the things I wrote about how I FELT after my recent 2 weeks of Self Care, Nurturing and Self Retreating...

After two weeks of self care, soul nourishment and woman cave time immersion, I feel like I've really 'come home' and done a major 're-set'. Within myself. Within my relationship. Within the rainforest. Ahhhhh, the Home Coming.

These past two weeks has been such a healing time. Gaining new insights and a fresh perspective. And re-emerging with new eyes. Refreshed. Renewed. Hopeful. Excited. Healed.

I feel like a new woman. Wow. What a difference two weeks can make. And my foot is feeling so much better now too!


Do you feel like this might be

the perfect time for you to plan

a self retreat?

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