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Grief Circle & Ceremony for Women with Kathy Popplewell.

Do you have a little, or a lot, of grief that you are carrying in your body, heart and soul that is weighing you down or perhaps even drowning you?


Does it rise to the surface and overwhelm you or make you feel stuck?


Or perhaps you have buried or tucked your grief away in yourself while you've had to get on with life and with being strong because there has not been an appropriate safe and sacred space for you to bring it to or for you to be with it?

Grief and loss is something that will effect us all at some point in our lifetimes.


However in our modern day world, especially within our western society there tends to be not many safe spaces where our grief, sadness and losses are welcomed or allowed.


We seem to have lost the ability as a culture to create a safe and sacred space for grief. Which in itself can be experienced as a great loss because grief and loss is a healthy and natural part of life.

Being alone in ones grief without safe places to explore or express it or talk about it or hear others journeys with grief can make it extremely lonely and isolating.

Grief can lead us to a beautiful depth of soul and spirit. And in itself is a rite of passage we all must walk at some time in our lives (and some of us will walk this path often and more than others) .

If any of this resonates with you I invite you to join us and reclaim the sacredness of your grief. For indeed it is sacred. All the ancient tribal cultures had ceremony and sacred spaces for grief. For when it is honoured and allowed and revered so much beauty can bloom from these places.


Grief has its own course for each individual. 


Join us in this very special, small group, intimate sacred circle for women where we will share in the richness and depth and the deep feeling and heartfelt and heart ache journey of grief, love and loss.

There are many shades of grief.

Grief can effect us from many different life circumstances.... 


It could be from the death of a dearly loved one (expected or unexpected).


A miscarriage or stillbirth.

The loss of your home or property due to environmental events (floods etc).

It can be from the long term illness or disability and caring for parents, partners, children.

It could be from the end of a relationship.

The end of a career.

Sadness about the state of the worlds affairs, people in other countries or the destruction of the earth.


It could be about our modern world.


It could be the loss of parts of your own body as a woman through illness or accident or ongoing illness within.


It could be from other physical or emotional trauma.


And the list goes on. 


This event includes; 


  • Sacred talking and listening circle.

  • Honouring our grief ceremony. 

  • Being with our grief movement/dance process.

  • Sounding our grief and sending our love sacred vocal process.

  • Medicine Drum journey relaxation and meditation.

Join us for an evening of sacred woman time by candle light in a beautiful healing sacred space and in a supportive, kind and compassionate small group of big hearted, deep feeling, nature loving women to be with your grief and honour it as sacred no matter what stage of the journey of grief you are on. This is a space where your feelings from all shades of dark to light are welcome. Come to just be. To feel. To process. To acknowledge. To speak and to listen. To not be given any answers but to feel and find your way through in your own time and pace without any pressure of needing to arrive at any particular destination. 

Your grief and your feelings are valid. It's an expression of your humanity. And your humanness. And your deep feeling woman's heart. 


It would be a deep honour to share this sacred space with you if you feel called to come and join us.

Space for up to a maximum of 7 women to join me in this small group intimate sacred circle.  


**Currently 4 spaces available (availability updated with every booking).

As limited number of spaces available payment is required to book your space. 

Open to women of all ages and stages of life 18 years and over.



Thursday 18 January 2024


*Doors open at 6.15pm.




Cairns, QLD, Australia.

(address given once booking paid and confirmed).


Cushion, bottle of water and mat to sit or lay on. Optional,  any other items you feel drawn to bring to honour and acknowledge your grief or support you in the circle.


Comfortable clothes you can sit and lay in (chairs available).


New Woman $60

Returning Woman $50

Personally Flood Impacted Woman $30

*The returning woman price is available to any woman who has attended one of Kathy's events before as a paid participant.


Payment is required to secure your booking. 

Please use the PayPal 'BUY NOW' buttons on this page to book your place. *If you are viewing this on a phone scroll to the 'bottom' of this page. If you are viewing on a computer buttons at the upper right of this page.

OR if the PayPal buttons are not working go to PayPal and request to make a payment to

OR TO PAY VIA DIRECT DEPOSIT make payment to....

Account Name: Katherine Popplewell

BSB: 484 799

Account Number: 6068 70600

Please use your name as the description and email or text me on 0457 154 457 to let me know you have made payment once transfer is complete.


Please note: you cannot purchase tickets through anyone posting on facebook - aka please beware of scammers as I've seen them doing the rounds on social media previously for women's event.

Cancellations Policy

Cancellations within 48 hours of the event are non-refundable though can be credited towards one of Kathy's online courses (to be used within 12 months).

Kathy 0457 154 457 or email Kathy here

Early Bird New Woman. $60

Grief Circle Red Tent with Kathy Popplewell

Thurs 18 Jan

 6.30pm - 8.45pm

Trinity Park

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Returning Woman $50 

Grief Circle Red Tent with Kathy Popplewell

Thursday 18 Jan

6.30pm - 8.45pm.

Trinity Park

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Flood Effected Woman $30 

Grief Circle Red Tent with Kathy Popplewell

Thursday 18 Jan

6.30pm - 8.45pm.

Trinity Park

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Grief Circle & Ceremony and Laughter for Women PACKAGE.

OR are you interested in starting YOUR own circles?
My Sacred Women's Circle Leadership Training might be for you!

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