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Ancestral Dreaming ~ Circle, dance and sound journey for women.

Do you yearn for a deeper connection to yourself? To your dreaming? To your ancestral wisdom? To the dreaming your ancestors had for you?

Join us for a nurturing, healing and connecting morning of sacred woman time and ancestral dreaming.


Come to strengthen your connection to your ancestral women’s wisdom, connect to the dreaming your ancestors have for you and the messages they are working to bring to you, and reclaim and reconnect to this birthright of your linage threads and weave them into your life for past, present and future through talking circle, breath work, guided dance journey, and a sound and medicine drum meditation, relaxation, integration.



Come to.....​

  • Connect to your ancestral dreaming.

  • Connect to the ancestral wisdom of the women who have walked before you.

  • Connect deeper to yourself.

  • Connect to other women.

  • Strengthen your ancestral connection.

  • Give honour and acknowledgement to the your ancestral lines and the threads you are weaving in this lifetime.

  • Surrender back to source the parts that are disempowering and that no longer serve you and that you are ready to release.

  • Celebrate yourself as a woman.

  • Gather your energy, power and strengthen your connection to source.

  • Be seen, heard and felt. To see, hear and feel, through the sharing of other women in the circle.

  • Take a time out to refill your feminine energy tanks and release stress.

* * *

Space for up to a maximum of 16 participants to attend.


**Currently 3 spaces available (availability updated with every booking).


Saturday 9th September, 2023.


Doors open at 9.45am.

Please allow yourself plenty of time to arrive and settle in so we can begin the event on time.


Machans Beach Community Hall,

82 Tucker Street, Machans Beach, Cairns, QLD.

Cushion, bottle of water and optional mat to sit/lay on.




Please wear clothes you can comfortably and freely sit, move, breath, dance and lay on the floor in. 



*Early bird tickets are now closed. Last minute 'OWL' woman tickets now available


{it's your first time attending events with Kathy}....



{you've been a paid participant at Kathy's events before}....



*RETURNING WOMEN PRICE* is available to any women who have previously attended as a paid participant any womens circles, retreats, trainings, laughter sessions or dance journeys with Kathy Popplewell.

As there is a limited number of spaces available payment required to secure your place.


Payment is required to secure your booking. 

Please use the PayPal 'BUY NOW' buttons on this page to book your place. *If you are viewing this on a phone scroll to the 'bottom' of this page. If you are viewing on a computer buttons at the upper right of this page.

OR if the PayPal buttons are not working go to PayPal and request to make a payment to

OR TO PAY VIA DIRECT DEPOSIT make payment to....

Account Name: Katherine Popplewell

BSB: 484 799

Account Number: 6068 70600

Please use your name as the description and email or text me on 0457 154 457 to let me know you have made payment once transfer is complete.


Please note: you can ONLY purchase directly through me via my paypal or direct deposit.


Importantly note you cannot purchase tickets through anyone posting on facebook - aka please beware of scammers and contact me directly via my mobile, email or website if unsure.

Cancellations Policy

Cancellations within 48 hours of the event are non-refundable though can be credited towards one of Kathy's online courses (to be used within 6 months) or credited towards a private Wild Woman Dreaming session with Kathy.

In the case that the event is canceled by the facilitator for any reason full refunds will be issued via your payment method.

Sickness Policy

Please consider the wellbeing of the group and do not attend if you have any cold and flu like symptoms. There will be another event you can attend once you recover and we would love to share space with you then.  If unsure do feel free to contact Kathy directly to discuss your case (please note, if you are reaching out within 2 hours of an event start time I will be unable to respond before the event as I will be in preparation for the circle).

I understand if you feel your illness or sickness is also linked to emotional energetic causes that would benefit from the session. In that case one-to-one 'wild woman dreaming' sessions are available with Kathy via video calls (which you can schedule even while you do have symptoms) or once you are recovered these sessions are available in person in the comfort of your own home (or a studio space can be booked for an additional fee).

Kathy 0457 154 457 or email Kathy here

"Thank you soooooo much for today, I felt so safe and was so inspired and can’t wait to start to reach out and reconnect with other goddesses . Today was spectacular! You held the most nurturing and creative space and I definitely felt like I was coming home- in style! What a beautiful bunch of women I got to meet today".
Diana ~ 'Coming Home' circle and dance journey ~ June, 2021)


"I have been to several of Kathy’s circles and recently joined her ‘Ancestral Woman’ event. She always chooses great themes that are so essential in the quest for wholeness and her sessions bring the personal and the universal seamlessly together. Kathy always sets up the space in a way that signals a transition away from the world outside to the realm of the sacred. My body senses it and readies itself for something special. What I most love about Kathy’s events is her presence itself. She has obviously lived through a lot, dug deep, held space for her self and genuinely reclaimed and connected with these archetypes and various states. That’s why she feels so uniquely qualified to hold space for others as she guides them into those same states and places. She leads very powerfully and each event feels like a celebration of the whole human being - for everything from the deepest pain to ecstatic joy, from dreams, to spirit animals, to our ancestral connections, to deep introspection and solidarity between us all.… Her dance journeys are my favourite part - her voice is so resonant, her words so evocative and her music perfect. The combination helps you access everything Kathy is guiding you towards - I feel able to dance into my pain, to fully inhabit various states, versions of myself, dreams, spirit animals, ancestors…there’s space for everything and then I eventually transcend myself to join the eternal. By the end, I always feel fuller, more whole and cosmically connected. I leave every circle with with a sense of support, of being backed by my whole self, by the other women I’ve moved with, by all the selves through the ages, by our ancestors. I feel welcome and celebrated."
Tess ~ 'Ancestral Woman' circle & dance journey ~ May 2021


"I have been to many of Kathy’s Women’s Circles and recently joined her Ancestral Women Circle and Dance Journey. As usual, it hit a beautiful target in me. I was feeling quite separate and unsociable when I arrived after a hard week, but listening to the other women share in circle drew so much compassion from me. Like always, I felt that as different as our details might be, we are all sharing the same one path. The same aches, pains and breakthroughs of waking up to who we are and healing our wounds and those of our ancestors. The barriers of judgment and criticism, my own ancestral wounds, melted and gave way to a feeling of unconditional love and softness. During the dance journey, Kathy guided us confidently from a space of nurturing our own individual ancestral hurts to an elaborate and beautiful artwork filled with the all the colours, qualities and strengths of our lineage. Then she drew us magically into a shared space where even the shyest and private among us were joined together in a feeling of courage, joyous sisterhood and mutual support. So freeing and fortifying at the same time. Thank you Kathy. I will continue to show up wherever you are holding Women’s Circles."
Caitlin ~ 'Ancestral Woman' circle & dance journey ~ May, 2021

Read more testimonials and see photos of circles with Kathy here.

About Kathy Popplewell
Kathy Popplewell is an experienced mind-body & fitness professional with over 15 years experience in the mind-body and fitness industries and in facilitating sacred women's spaces, circles and dance journeys. She is a qualified and experienced Fitness Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Laughter Yoga Teacher. She has also lived on country in the furthest remote reaches of the Daintree Rainforest.

Throughout her career as well as teaching her popular yoga classes at multiple Fitness First health and fitness clubs in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs and CBD and Elixr mindbody health centre in Bondi Junction, she has regularly presented to fellow industry professionals at Filex, Australia's cutting edge International Fitness Convention, been a popular presenter at Being Woman Festival, Evolve Yoga and Wellbeing Festival and Peats Ridge Festival; toured the east coast of Australia with her Vibrance Laughter Tours and run her 2 day Certified Laughter Yoga Leadership Trainings in Melbourne, Sydney, Central Coast, Port Macquarie, the Gold Coast and Brisbane.

In 2010 & 2011 Kathy ran her Celebrating Womanhood Conference in the Gold Coast, Australia and in 2011 she also ran her Laughter, Health & Loving Life Conference.

Kathy has also been hired as a professional speaker by corporations including ADSSI, The Benevolent Society, Carers NSW, Crunch Female Fitness, Families NSW, Homecare, Housing NSW, Mission Australia and New Horizons to present on Laughter, Relaxation and Workplace Wellbeing for staff members.

Her articles on health and fitness have also been published in Fitness First Magazine and in the Australian Fitness Network's industry publication, Network Magazine.

Originally from the Central Coast NSW, Kathy made her way up to far north in 2012 on her 'loving life' tour around Australia however she never made it past the Daintree Rainforest where she fell in love with the land and rainforest. Going against all her logical instincts and following her soul guidance she came to live on a remote and isolated off grid property on the never never furthest reaches of the Daintree Rainforest which is only accessible by 4wd where she has had an extended vision n soul quest which has lasted a decade (in between visits back to her original hometown on the Central Coast of NSW visiting friends and rounds of caring for her parents), living back remote and off grid on country on the edge of the Daintree Rainforest.

Earlier this year in 2023 Kathy relocated to Cairns with her four year old daughter so that she could once again share her sacred women's circles, dance and laughter events throughout Far North QLD and connect to community directly.


NEW WOMAN ~ $80 
Ancestral Dreaming - Circle, dance & sound journey for women.
Saturday 9 Sept, 10am-1pm, Cairns.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Please text Kathy on 0457 154 457 with your booking name after your payment has been made to confirm your booking.

RETURNING Woman ~ $60
Ancestral Dreaming - Circle, dance & sound journey for women.

Saturday 9 Sept, 10am-1pm, Cairns.

Kathy Popplewell
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Please text Kathy on 0457 154 457 with your booking names after your payment has been made to confirm your booking.

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